Monday, November 2, 2009

Would be Sprungli-Snatchers & the Brave Hero who foiled them

Finally packed up and ready to hit the homeward bound trail...for a whole week :)

Flying with the wonderful (NOT) AerLingus which will not happen again (for reasons other than chocolate thievery). The flight was completely booked and because I always hang back until the end to board by the time I was at my seat most of the overhead storage areas were full so I had to squeeze my hand luggage in a couple of different places. So the booze and chocolate went in one spot and my hand bag in another.

All fine with the flight, I slept through most of it. When we landed in Dublin, there was the usual scrummage to get bags and get off the plane. I was keeping an eye on my booze and chocs to make sure they hadnt fallen on someone's head, when I saw a dude reach up for the duty free that my chocs were resting on...and then he took the Sprungli bag with him!

I was in a window seat so I couldnt hop into the aisle after him, the only thing to do was yell: HEY! That's MY Sprungli bag!!
A very decent chap who was already in the aisle asked me which fella I was talking about and took off after him to intercede on my behalf. I eventually got out of the seat, collected my remaining bags and got to the terminal building to find my hero had apprehended the would be chocolate thief, who sheepishly handed over the bag with many apologies and assurances that he thought it was his wife's shopping.

The hero disappeared into the melee and I never got his name or to thank him in person. So just in case...thank you Mr. Beige-Jacket-Grey-Pants-Chocolate-Rescuer-Extraordinaire. You saved my chocolate, I am more grateful than you could realise. It was my Mammy's bribe for collecting me at the airport :)

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