Friday, November 5, 2010

Rejoining the Rat Race in New Zealand

Yes, I'm in New Zealand - finally! I've been very lazy about blogging the past month or so, as I came nearer to the end of my wandering (for now) & it dawned on me that I needed to get a job, I became less & less disciplined about this blog.

But now that I'm about to go back to work (after 3 disheartening weeks of interviewing with EVERY (or that's what it felt like) recruitment company in Auckland), yes, I have found a job, I'm reluctant to let my blog slip - I still want to document what I get up to in New Zealand (and elsewhere) outside of work (the necessary evil).

This evening, Friday Nov 5, after racing around town to embellish my work wardrobe (ok, any excuse), I wandered into a bookstore, bought the LP guide to the North Island, some Xmas cards to send home (even though I never send cards) and a diary. Anyone who lived/worked with me in Dublin will remember how my life was ruled by the diary :). And it was wierd to flip through it just now and contemplate going back to that lifestyle - where you have to plan your leisure time because not all your time is your own anymore. Blah, blah, back to reality, I'm lucky I know, I've had a year to myself. But looking at the dates in that diary, especially as it's coming to the end of the calendar year, made me think about this time last year & the year before that.

This time last year (Nov 2009) was full of excitement & promise. I had finally left my job and I was going travelling - after 10 years of talking about it. I had no plans & that was how I wanted it. And it couldnt have turned out better - I cant ask for more - I had a wonderful year.

This time 2 years ago (Nov 2008) I was freaking out :). I was about to enter the year I would turn 30 and I had not done any of the things I considered important to me - the things I wanted to do, the places I wanted to see. Dont get me wrong, my 20's were busy :) but not how I imagined they would be. So I made a promise to myself that in 2009, I would make those travel plans happen.

Now, Nov 2010, I'm about to start another job :) in a different company to where I was before. I wonder how it will be? As I look at my brand new diary and think about all the things I want to do in 2011, I'm baffled how I will fit it all in. At the moment I feel a mixture between Nov 2008 & Nov 2009 - I'm excited about starting a new job in a new country and seeing where that will take me, and I'm anxious that I will slip back into old habits & not fulfil my dreams. How to balance the two?